Business can be a risky game. It’s often a large initial investment to get your business up and running, and your success is not always guaranteed. On top of that, there are a lot of variables beyond your control that could impact the success and future of your endeavour. These days, technology is the backbone […]
Technology has powered our business for years, but many companies still don’t seem to realise how much inadequate tech can affect their business. It’s important to stay frugal and save money wisely – but just because you’re careful doesn’t mean you should slavishly refuse to spend money when it’s necessary. If your company isn’t up […]
In a semi-post-pandemic world, it is no surprise that most of the issues that businesses are dealing with are still connected to the drastic shift in working models we experienced last year. Although employees and businesses have quickly adapted to a remote working model, there are some key issues of concern surrounding security, privacy, compliance, […]
Every day, society engages in the benefits technology has brought to our lives and businesses. Whether it be customers easily transferring money online or businesses automating primarily redundant activities to streamline processes and reduce costs, technology and IT should be seen as an asset and worth the investment. However, what we deem to be an […]
On March 26th, our Lindentech Open Golf Day got off to a fantastic start at Collier Park, Perth. With the sun shining brightly on a backdrop of clear blue, we could not have wished for better weather as we took to the golf course. The laughter- and fun-filled day gave us a wonderful opportunity to […]
Pre-2020, the general expectation was that cloud computing would continue to grow as a catalyst for enterprise-level digital transformation. This expectation was unexpectedly accelerated in 2020 with a global pandemic that led to a significant increase in cloud usage, and 6 years’ worth of digital transformation change compressed into 6 months. Businesses have shifted en […]
Being an IT engineer is hard work. You get bombarded from all directions. People coming up to you asking you requesting work to be done, emails constantly filling your inbox and tickets being assigned to you. Let’s not forget to mention your phone ringing off the hook asking you to action that “urgent” request that […]
Here’s a look at what it means to “flatline” your company’s IT costs, and how predictable IT costs can help your business grow. When you’re looking for business IT support, your goal is to find a cost-effective, reliable contract that helps you avoid unpredictable cash flow, fluctuating IT costs, and inefficient, reactive budgeting. What you need […]
Managing an IT team on a tight budget might be an uphill task, but it is not an insurmountable one. With managed IT services providing the modern-day solution to this challenge, the question remains: where do local Perth-based businesses begin in the search for a managed service provider that offers the right mix of products […]
The world’s fears have been realised and it is clear we are facing something very serious that is going to change how we do business for many months to come. These are difficult times and it is crucial that we work together to get through and out the other side. We will fight the coronavirus […]