5 important signs you’ve outgrown your IT provider (and what to do about it)

5 important signs you’ve outgrown your IT provider (and what to do about it) - Computers and information technology

5 important signs you’ve outgrown your IT provider (and what to do about it) 

You and your business rely on your computer systems and on the hardware and software solutions you put in place. This means you also rely on your IT provider, whether this is an in-house team or an outsourced partner. 

So, what happens when you begin to outgrow your IT provider? Well, the results you once enjoyed begin to dry up, and you simply are not getting the value the relationship once brought to your business. 

But, it’s not always immediately obvious that the relationship has turned sour. How can you tell that changes need to be made? Read on for five key signs that your business may have outgrown your IT provider, as well as what to do about this. 

  1. Your provider has become reactive and off the pace

When did you last meet with your outsourced IT provider? When do you expect to meet with them again? If the answer to these two questions involves something along the lines of the provider fixing a problem, this should ring alarm bells. 

Your IT provider should be ahead of the curve, working closely with you and your team to prevent problems. They should not be struggling to mop up milk already spilt.

  1. Their support schedule just does not match your needs

Modern business has changed. How many people do you know who work 9-5 office hours, Monday to Friday? Chances are, fewer than you knew with that schedule five or 10 years ago. 

The working day no longer ends at 5 p.m. The working week no longer ends on Friday afternoon. Your business’s operating hours are likely to be dynamic, and your IT support schedule must reflect this. 

  1. You are receiving no long-term strategic advantages

Your IT provider needs to be in tune with your developing needs; otherwise, they are not up to the task. This means coming to you to discuss potential long-term advantages, collaborating with other departments to hone future-focused strategies, and growing alongside you. 

  1. Hardware and software are becoming obsolete, with no workable alternatives

Legacy systems are great until they aren’t great any more. Hardware breaks down and becomes irreplaceable. Developers withdraw support for their software, but this is fine because enterprise users have already moved on. 

You have moved on, right?Right? Well, if you haven’t, this is seriously problematic, and it might be your IT provider’s fault. 

  1. Your IT capacity is falling short

Bringing in new customers, clients, and users is amazing for your business and is a major driver of growth. However, this is only the case if your systems are up to the task. You need to be able to accommodate users as and when they arrive. If your capacity is just not cutting it, this is bad news. 

What to do about it? 

There is only one solution here: to end the relationship and to find another IT managed services provider. This might seem like a ruthless move, but, in reality, anything else will simply land you back at square one. It is not up to you to help your IT provider grow their services – they should be the experts in their field; otherwise, there is no point in working with them. 

Look for an IT provider who is a real strategic partner to you and your business. This is someone who comes to you with proactive solutions for the future, who is always there for you, and who works to understand your business and its developing needs.  

This is not something you can afford to play around with, and doing so could see you losing serious ground in the market. 

Ready to discover an IT provider who is a real strategic partner to you and your business? 

Get in touch with our team today to learn more about what the right IT provider deal means for your business.